Fashion Week is on the way!

Is it just me? or are we are all tired of the summer, the endless nights and the worst New York weather changes you ever experienced in your life. The biggest week is on its way, fashion night out..or not!! As if, they canceled it last year but it just made room on the agenda to attend bigger events. Now that we are on vacation, enjoying the freedom of not working this soon shall come to pass and all anticipation will hit the fan again as agencies will become super busy, phones will ring off the hook, models will be in and out of the agency. Castings! Castings! Castings! Lets not forget about the  designers working over time , to perfect there collection, fittings, venues, after parties and more!. Might I add crunch time! Soon the nights will become more chilly, leather jackets will be a must and ankle socks! I advise you fashion junkies  to begin buying those front row tickets the first week of August. prime time it is..I will see you all there!
FYI The Brooklyn Navy Yard is splendid for shows!


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